end of may.
huuu bye bye may ! last suda ni hari bulan may. waaa, punya men cpt kan? maka haritu mnggu sy bulan may, sbb harijadi si buah hati. skali tingu, waa 31may suda ne, adii. punya laahh, but i like this month. in this month la i learn how to face problems in good way, i learn to be patient, to love and sacrifice. yeah, it is hard to do it but after you try ur best to do it, i feel like, you're strong enough to face it, to face the hurts in ur heart.
in this month too, i learn mcm mna mau pertahankan hubungan tu, i learn not to get mad to person that i love. because logistically lah, kau syg tu urang, then kau mau marah, blaming each other. heeey merusakkan hubungan ja. kita harus BERTOLAK ANSUR antara satu sma lain. if you hurts, yeah share it. supaya tu kesilapan boleh diperbaiki. betul ngak ? hoho sy bukan mau tambirang la. sbb sy tingu la ada urang2 tu kan, klu sda sakit hati, mst ckp mau mati la, nda snggup la, lelaki suma sama d dunia ne. what a crappp -___-
dulu pn sy pkir gitu jg, sy anggap suma lelaki ne sama seja. but im wrong, if you love that person, you must treasure them, and you'll find durang punya keistimewaan. yeah, im not lying, tp ne la sy dapat. satu lg, klu sy mcm nda tahan menahan sakit, sy ingat , "if you want to love, love like Jesus loved you", naaah ne la yang kasi sy smangat mau prtahankan tu hbungan. klu sy love mcm urang d dunia ne, maybe mimang nda boleh tahan. tp love of Jesus is just so great, if you have the love of Jesus you will love the person until it hurts, sacrifice for them. <3