23 Dec 2010 ; oh yeaaah , its my birthday again! hellll yeaaah, happy birthday to me! HAHA
and im goin' silly this twenythree nite o.0
ohyaa , ne hari ada practise choir fr 24 Dec 2010 (Christmas Eve)♥
and again baju kami belanggar lagi, white and white, aisehhh manis la knun. wahaha :))
asal ak mw tngok itu screen, mesti biji mata ku mnta puji pgi tngok dia. aiya pa mcm ba ne, LOL !
and pastu, the leader only practise, and he's still playing the guitar. ak pn dtg gila triak triak ikut nyanyi.
maka mata tu mw trtutup suda, terep terep masi segar. HAHAHA!!
when the time is come!! YEAHH THE TIME I LIKE MOOOOOST!! PULANGGGGGGGGG!! hahaha
mw tau sbb knpa ? sbb dapat duduk sma sma dia, wakakaka sinting.
yaaah, we alwys sit beside when we're on the way home :) ♥ and tadi andu ba malu malu lg dia mw pnjam my phone
; Hey dear, its okay ba. jgn la malu malu, im ur bakal juga nih :D HAHAHA stupid-,-
so i let him borrow la, mau blootooth lagu la knon, and it was raining, baru si abg ..... lagi kci full aircond, kena lagi ak duduk depan aircond, sda la ak sensitive kena sejuk, tus hilang darah merah ku. HAHAA
then tiba tiba my mind kan, d rasuk ba, knun knun maw kci feel dia my hand yg sejuk semerba ne.
si tangan pn getek juga, trus p serang tangan dia, WALAO. in that time also, kmi dua dua tekejut! HAHA dia lagi la, tus tediam, adii . budu ba si tangan ne, nakal suda. aiyaaa , mw d ajar lgi ne. hhe but very well, after send him home, he text me ;
Bubye..so cold ur hand td..nanait my cweetchps..hehe..c u 2mrow..i wear black..u?white ka?hehe..chantek2 kw esk k *
kiss image*"
hahaha ! its fr tmrow nite ba tu , christmas eve, hehe . he wear black shirt, and before i wish to wear black too. tp basi ba suda tu dress, nda tahan jg si kawan mw pkai dress baru. so tpksa la i wear blue colour, nevermind ba dear, its ur fav colour juga ♥ HAHAHA
and i really wish, he will be my Christmas present! bungkus dia dalam kotak bashaal. hahaha :))